Best Things about Hill Station


Here are some of the best things about hill station real estate.

1. Great value of property

To begin with, hill station properties are of high value because of their high demand in society and limited availability. Good properties are very hard to come by – they are either owned by generations of the same family, or the sold out really quickly. DON’T judge the hill station properties based on the ones that are displayed in Property Portals which are mostly listed with the motive of liquidation and monetization for their financial urgency. Thus, if you are able to get hold of a premium property at the best parts of the hill-town, with the perfect views and climate and of immaculate condition, call it your lucky day. By the best investment, we mean investing on Premium properties of this sort.

2. Great appreciation of value

The demand for hill station properties is always on an increasing trend. This is because, the life of the modern man is stressful – he rather is stressing out than living. More and more people want to visit, and take short breaks on a hill station for stress relief and rejuvenation like something culturally followed in the western countries. The demand, thus, keeps increasing, and so does the value of your investment in the hill stations.

3. Attractive Agriculture Revenue

Revenue out of real estate is simple to figure out. You let it out, and get rent for it. But regularity, consistency and high value of rental isn’t something that is available in all parts of the plains. This isn’t the case with hill station property, because, like mentioned in the previous point, the demand for hill station property for boarding and lodging is always on the increase because the tourism in the hill stations is increasing with time. Higher numbers of people flock to hill stations, thus high possibilities to rent out your hill station property and get revenue out of it to make up for the big investment that you’ve made.

Agriculture revenue plays another important role in hill station realty since they are tax free. Cultivation in hill station is different from that of plains where you don’t get water or electricity or both. In hill station it is mostly nature oriented cultivation and it is free from both of these constraints. Venturing into such businesses would definitely be an asset to your life-you can contribute to the declining agriculture of the country as well as make the best of your hill station investment.

4. A great place to retire

The title speaks for itself and more – whether you retire full time, or retire part-time (on a vacation) hill stations are the best places to go to in India. This is because of the much more pleasant climate, views, the fresh air, Low AQI and better quality of air and so much more. While these vacations could be costly because of high prices of rentals, and difficult to plan because of the low availability of good places to stay at, owning a property in the hills would be like going to your home away from your home.



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